贸易是根据品质(Quality),价格(Price),装船期(Shipping Time)或交货期(Time Ofdelivery)三要素,来决定是否成立,其重要性可想而知.其中品质决定交易的价值,因而被认为是最重要的交易因素.
品质决定法:品质的决定有依据样品的买卖方法,称为凭样品买卖(Sale by Sample).其他有设定标准品质,以此标准品质为蕨来做的方法,称为凭标准品买卖(Sale by Standard). 另外,在工业制品方面,用数字等资料标明性能和重量而作成的规格书,依据此书来做买卖,称为凭规格书买卖(Sale by Specification). 又有一种指定世界著名品牌的买卖,称为凭品牌买卖(Sale by Brand).
Basic Expressions(基本例句)
We would like to buy 500 tons of average quality corn.
The quality of the goods shipped is customary quality.
The goods supplied shall only be those of best quality.
Our necessities are of excellent quality.
If goods of inferior quality are delivered, we will not place our order with you again.
Please be sure to attach a quality inspection certificate.
Our products are produced under rigid quality controls.
Please be sure to put the quality marks on the goods delivered.
From the quality analysis, inferior ingredients have been found to have been mixed in.
Words and Expressions (词汇和短语)
Average quality; standard quality 标准品质
Customary quality 一般品质
Best quality; prime quality; first-rate quality 最佳品质
Good quality; superior quality; excellent quality; fair quality 优良品质
Inferior quality; bad quality; poor quality 不良品质
A quality inspection certificate 品质检验证书
Quality control 品质管制
Quality mark 品质标志
Quality analysis 品质分析
Debasement of quality; deterioration in quality 品质降低
Complaint of quality 对品质的抱怨
Deifference in quality 品质上的差异
Inspection of quality 品质检验
Guarantee of quality 品质保证
Passed-quality 合格品质
Sacrifice quality; debase quality 降低品质
Be inferior to the previous shipment 货物品质较前批差
Quality tallies with a standard 品质达到标准